<aside> 💡 What’s all this for?

These are the companion resources for the DYF Accountability Buddy Finder tool.

The DYF Accountability Buddy Finder tool matches you with a buddy to give you the one-on-one “chase you down accountability” needed to help you reach your goals.

Access is included free for all DYF Accelerator & University members 😍 or you can purchase access as a standalone product here.


🔎 Pre-Filtering — Goals before the initial call

When evaluating a potential buddy, it’s best to pre-filter for the “buddy fundamentals.”

If you’re using the DYF Accountability Buddy Finder tool, you have a big shortcut here, since it was built specifically with freelancers in mind.

(And thus, most of this can be addressed with the search filters and by viewing someone’s profile)

Assess fundamental fit with a potential buddy by considering these 7 most important things…

If they seem cool, it’s time to reach out to them to have an initial exploratory chat! Use these outreach scripts to make it easy. 🙂

I recommend aiming to get your exploratory call booked within a week to keep your momentum going.