🔗 Click here to download the checklist as a PDF »

<aside> 💡 Note: This checklist comes from DYF’s “$200k Freelancer” course, which shows you how to build a system that generates clients – predictably and controllably – and scale your freelance income to $200k+. Click here to learn more »


📖 How This Checklist Works…

If you can check all of those boxes, you already have a $200k/yr freelance client generation system — congrats!

…But most freelancers can’t check all these boxes.

In fact, most freelancers coast into the $70k-$120k/yr area with only a small handful of these boxes checked.

Fun fact: the things that got you to where you are now probably ≠ the things that’ll get you to $200k/yr.

Make it your mission to check all the boxes below – and reference the The $200k/yr Freelancer Roadmap to see the order to check them in – and you’ll be on your way to a freelance income most people don’t even dare to dream of.

📋 The $200k/yr Freelancer Checklist

📦 Offer & Positioning:

👯 Leads: